Daddy and Sawyer at 2 days old
Today marks three months since Sawyer was born. Brad and I have tried to take captive every moment of this new life. We have endless amounts of pictures and video of Sawyers little life, but documenting all the small developments doesn't help slow time. We are so thankful for all the family and friends who hold and adore Sawyer just as we do. She official moved into size 2 diapers and into her loads of 3 month old clothes. Her hair mysteriously continues to be red. Without a doubt everyone's first response to meeting Sawyer is, "Wow, she has red hair". Then inevitably the next question to follow is, "Who has red hair?". It turns out that my mom's mom was a red head. Only time will tell if Sawyer keeps those red locks.
Last Friday we had my dad, Brad, over for dinner. He was feeding Sawyer and decided to see if she could feed herself. Attention, Attention... we have a child prodigy on our hands! (JK) She held the bottle herself while she ate. I immediately googled the phrase, "When do babies hold their own bottles?". What I learned was that babies ages 3 months- 7 months can hold bottles. We were just smitten over the fact that Sawyer could hold the bottle. I don't think that she has broken the chains of dependency quite yet, but it made for a great picture.
Every time I hear the song, "It won't be like this for long" by Darius Rucker, it reminds me to cherish the small things and not to take for granted the moments that will soon pass.

Labor Day in uncle Al's pool

Our friend Jen Walker

Brad's mom Lila

Aunt Bubba

Grandpa Brad Coe who is silently saying "Just wait Sawyer, when you turn 9 we will have you in the water scuba diving" lol