Monday, November 23, 2009

Chow TIme

Brad and I just fed Sawyer her evening rice cereal and decided to record it. She takes after her father in this one and I'm not just talking about her aggressive eating ; )

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

5 months old

(Sawyer and Uncle Dustin)

I cannot believe that Sawyer is 5 months old today. Where in the world has the time gone? Everyday there is something new that Sawyer does which makes the time fly by. Lately Sawyer has been a little fussier then usually because she has cut her bottom two teeth. I am waiting until they grown all the way in before I take a picture to post. She has become very good at holding herself up in the crawling position but all she does is rock back and forth.

Last night was the introduction to "real" food for Sawyer. It was pretty funny watching her react to the rice cereal. Every time Brad would place a spoon full of the cereal into her mouth she made a sour puss face and wasn't sure what to do with it. Surprisingly only about 50% of it was spit out onto her bib. It is going to take some getting used to, but we are on the road towards baby food.

We got her to crack a smile every now and then. She looked so cute in her little bib....thanks Anna ; )

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Uncle Den

I have an older brother named Dennis. He is the ultimate Uncle. He loves to see Sawyer and I cant wait for her to get to know him. We were able to hang out with him last night for a bit. Lately Sawyer has been giggling every couple days. It is not so easy to get her to laugh either. But, my brother had her going last night. It was so fun to watch.

Jenny Jump Up

Sawyer loves to stand! We have wanted to get a doorway jumper for a couple weeks and haven't had the time to get one. My sweet mom decided to get us one this week and brought it over on Thursday night. We have a free babysitter now! Sawyer sat in her Jenny Jump Up for an hour without making one peep. Seriously, not a one! She just explored her new found freedom in her jumper. By the time we took her out it was drenched in drool mind you, but she was loving it.
Sawyer is showing her future soccer skills... she is taking on a defending in her head
She saw a bug on the floor and was trying to step on it.... jk
Sawyer is so close to sitting up by herself. We can prop her up and she will sit up for 5 sec before she leans to far to one side and tumbles over. It is pretty cute because she just smiles when she falls over. She also is starting to show the signs of crawling. She can shimmy her way forward on the floor and is starting to pull her knees under her body. All we are thinking now is... uh oh!
Daddy and Sawyer as she gets in her evening leg exercises
We decided not to put Sawyer in a costume for Halloween, but my aunt and cousin did buy Sawyer a super cute outfit. She was over the hat in 5 seconds but she did rock the "Too cute to scare" onesie and the "Boo" socks very well. She is just too cute to be our daughter.

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