Sawyer was very excited for Halloween. No not for the candy, but because she was going to be a Lady Bug. We didn't actually explain what trick or treating was until Halloween morning. This is how the conversation went:
Mama: Sawyer tonight we are going to go trick or treating at Grandma's house. We are going to knock on people's front doors and they will give you candy when you say
trick or treat. Then you say thank you. Let's practice.
Knock, knock... then they open the door. You say...
Sawyer: tick or treat
Mama: Then they give you candy and you say...
Sawyer: Tank you!
Mama: Good job poopy!
Later that morning in the car I over heard this conversation Sawyer was having with herself...
Sawyer: You knock, knock. They open the door. Tick or treat. Candy. Tank you!
It was pretty funny to overhear her rehearsing how to trick or treat. I am constantly reminded how sweet little children are. Here are a couple photos from the night. Sorry for the poor quality of some.

Sawyer made treats for her friends at daycare (Mrs. Diana's house)