Brad and I are so very blessed to have family friends who take care of Sawyer everyday. She is one of there own. They treat her like she was truly apart of their family. She is known as the "Golden Child" (sorry Luke) or "Spoiled Brat" because she is always the center of attention. Lisa offered to watch Sawyer for us this past summer so that I could finish school and also coach the High School team. I don't think she knew what she was offering! jk. She calls Sawyer "Little Stinker", which at times she can be. Lisa's favorite phrase for when referring to Sawyer is, "I just want to squeeze her guts out!". I know most of you with children know that sensation. You just love them so much that you want to squeeze them so hard to express your feelings. Greg, Lisa's husband is so caring with Sawyer. She will sit on his lap when he is on the computer and is so content spending time with him. He likes to show her off to other family friends in his spare time. Luke the youngest of their children likes to shout out "Women!" to Sawyer when she is getting out of line. Sawyer and Luke are the best of buddies! Here's a video of Sawyer and Luke playing.
Gaby or Gobby as Brad refers to her is the middle child of the family. She is a freshman at APU and a dear friend of mine. Gaby loves to spend time with Sawyer and has brought her to APU a couple times and hung out in her dorm room. Gaby quite often gets stares and pondering looks from people when she carries this 7 month old baby around. Gaby is clearly not the mother of Sawyer for many reasons, but people out of curiosity have to ask her if that is her child. I love to hear the stories Gaby has when taking Sawyer out in public.

Garrett who is the oldest child has a love-hate relationship with Sawyer, and that's not on Garrett's part. Depending on the weather or how green the grass is that day, Sawyer either loves Garrett or cries when he looks at her. We haven't figured out why she reacts this way but I am sure she will grow out of it. Each of the Gutierrez's have a special relationship with Sawyer. Brad and I can't so thank you enough for everything that they do. If you didn't know who Sawyer was and walked into their house, you would think that they had a baby of their own because of all the toys and baby gear they have around the house. Sawyer will one day understand how blessed she is to have a family that loves and adores her like the Gutierrez's do.
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