Terra is from the East Coast and has never been to San Diego. We took her to almost every beach in San Diego! We walked on the board walk, road skateboards, ate delicious Italian ice and played in the water. We spent a Saturday at La Jolla Beach. If you know La Jolla you know that the sand in very very fine. So fine sand + a toddler = sand EVERYWHERE. There was no preventing it. Sawyer was one big sand ball. She would just sprawl out on the sand making sand angels. For some reason she also thinks it funny to sit her sandy little tush on you when you are laying out.
One of the places that we went during our stay was Point Loma. We walked down to the cliffs and watched the waves crash on the shore. What a site! I love viewing God's creation and I hope that we can teach Sawyer to love and appreciate what we have been blessed with.
The only phrase that comes to mind when I look at this picture is... of course!!!!!
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