Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Too Soon

Hello blogging world....I'm glad you are still here. Sorry I have forgotten about you these last 7 MONTHS! "Oh dear", as Sawyer says.

Since my last season has ended, soccer season is over and I had a baby. Wait what! A baby? Yep a baby!

That is how I feel since Barrett was born. Life is a whirl wind and DOES NOT STOP. Just keeps going. Ready or not. Does not stop. It really is just dragging me along.

Although I am being times... I would not want to be any other place. It is wonderful.

Having two kids ...well I expected to be pulling my hair out constantly but that is not the case. It is taxing emotional at times but the joy out weighs the stress.

Sawyer went from being a little girl before Barrett to an instant giant after he was born. Perspective.

Barrett Bradley Stephen Jenkins. He. Is. Perfect. I think after your first child you know what to expect so you are able to enjoy the moments more. Enjoy labor....well my  labor, you enjoy the sleepless nights, the poopy diapers and the crying. All of those moments are fleeing.

Soon they are talking your ear off and not wanting to cuddle.

Soon all they want to wear are princess and fairy dresses (side note: prior to Sawyer being born I loathed the princess stage, I still find it unbearable but Sawyer just looks so darn cute when she is wearing them that I forget the nausea)

Soon they are starting preschool and wanting to go to gymnastics class!

It is all too soon...

Why can't time slow like it did when we were kids? When we thought summer was TOO far away or that turning 16 took forever. God is there a pause button? If so, can we just pause? Please!?

No?... No button? Darn

 4 hours of labor
 first bath
weighing in at 8lbs. 13 oz, 21 inches long

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